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Railway Station Code

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There are approximately 8000 railway stations in Indian Railway (IR) that are spread across the several cities of the country. Each railway station has its unique code. IR uses alphabetic codes to identify each railway station. Having its knowledge is very useful when booking ticket online through IRCTC or searching train between two stations and to avoid confusion between similar sounding station name like Kalyan (KYN) and Kalyani (KYI).

How to check railway station code?

To know about different railway station code and station name; you just have to select any of the given radio button. For example: if you want to get the name of a station; enter the code of the station and click the "Get Station Name" button. Similarly, you can get the code of a station by entering the station name and clicking on the "Get Station Code" button. In addition to this, the basic information about the station with its name, code, state and the zone in which it falls get displayed on your screen with a Google Map to give you a fair idea of where the station is located.

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