When we thought of reserving a ticket, first question which comes to our mind is that what are the trains available to go that particular destination and what are its timings. If we get the list of the trains that runs between any two stations at one place, then we can easily book tickets which are going with our schedule. Even sometimes some trains are full and other trains going to same destination is not, so checking this will also help you in getting a confirmed reservation ticket. By doing this, you get a number of options from which you can do reservation according to your desired time, train & class.
In the above form only put the source station name, destination station name and date of the journey. Source station is the station from which you want to board the train & destination station is the station where you want to go. For example, if you want to go Delhi from Mumbai. Then Delhi will be your destination station & Mumbai central will be your Source station. After filling up the details click on ‘‘Get Trains’’ button, all trains running between that two stations will get displayed on your screen. You can even put station code in place of station name, when you know it. For example: station code for New Delhi is NDLS and for Mumbai Central is BCT.